Thursday, September 29, 2016

What factors determine term life insurance rates

Term life insurance policies provide a limited coverage period, which is determined by the policy owner. Term life insurance rates are actually the cheapest form of life insurance, but there are different rates for different people. This is because once the term of the policy is up you don’t receive any payout from the policy. If you take out life insurance at a young age, you will get much better term life insurance rates than if you wait until you are older.

The total cost of your term life insurance rates can be tricky. Some term life insurance policies appear to cost more, but may, in fact, be cheaper when you look at the total cost of the term life insurance policy. For example, annual renewable policies increase your premiums every year and thus may appear to be more expensive than level term policies where the premiums never increase (although the initial premiums for a level term policy will be higher). But, in fact, level premium policies may involve higher costs over the policy's full term, and become particularly expensive when you try to renew your policy at the end of the term. This is why you do have to compare term life insurance quotes.

Some of the factors that influence your term life insurance rates are:

· Whether or not you smoke. Tobacco users are twice as likely to die as non﷓tobacco users while they are insured. Life insurance companies take this into account when they set their premium and cash benefits levels. You can save from 20% to 30% on premiums by quitting smoking.

· Medical Record. If you have a terminal illness, it is unlikely that any life insurance company will issue a policy. In the case of heart disease, you will get a policy but your rates will be high

· Occupation. if you work in a dangerous occupation, such as working on a ship that carries gas, this will put you into a higher bracket when it comes to getting rates for term insurance. You will have to shop around to compare term life insurance quotes if you are in this category.

Term life insurance rates vary a lot, and you can do something about your premiums by taking some decisions to become more healthy, like giving up smoking.

Storage is key for wine collections

Storage is absolutely key to the success of any wine collection. Anyone who enjoys collecting fine wines will want to look for the best available wine storage options. There are many different ways to properly store wine, but regardless of which wine storage solution is ultimately chosen it will critical to keep the storage conditions constant.

A constant temperature of constant 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit must be maintained within any wine storage space. The wine storage should be as far away from the main area of the house as possible, and there must also be plenty of ventilation in the selected area. The wine collection must not suffer too much vibration and any light sources should be kept to a minimum. Absolutely no sunlight should be permitted to reach the wine storage area.

Of course a wine cellar can be used for wine storage or a special cooler can be built. Wine racks are, predictably, a necessary part of any wine storage solution. Wine racks can be made of metal or wood, and the wine storage chosen is primarily a matter of personal taste. While both kinds of rack building material are attractive to look at, the metal racks tend to be more flamboyant and stylish while the wood racks are often considered more classic and traditional in style.

It may be preferable to choose racks in order to have them match the rest the chosen wine storage solution. These final choices will be influenced to a certain degree by whether or not the wine cellar is intended to be shown off to friends and colleagues. If it is, then the wine storage solutions will need to appear more coordinated.

Either way it's not a bad idea to look into wine racks and other wine storage options that will all look good together. This helps to create a wine storage area that looks like it belongs to a professional wine collector. It's not difficult to accomplish, but it can cost a bit of cash.

Temporary wine storage options are, customarily, a little simpler. Immediately prior to serving a wine it will probably need to be chilled, depending of course on what kind of wine it is. In order to store wine for chilling, look into cool wine storage solutions. Available in many department stores or wine stores, wine coolers are easy to find. Even the Internet is an excellent resource for finding these types of wine storage options.

E-government in china soon to be a reality

Without question, the world is a big place. However, with the constant development of information technology, the world seems to get smaller all the time.

One example is the work of China Expert Technology Inc. (OTC BB:CXTI. OB), a company that builds network infrastructure and provides e-government services for community and municipal governments in China and Hong Kong.

Analysts predict that China's e-government systems market will reach $6.6 billion this year.

Recently, China Expert was awarded contracts worth $52.2 million to build e-government infrastructure for three cities in Fujian province: Jinjiang, Nanan and Dehua, with the final project to be completed by 2006. In fact, China Expert is the only company that has been awarded such exclusive contracts in China.

These contracts allow the company to create unified e-platforms for each of the three cities.

There are some important implications in the creation of these e-government platforms. First, they enable the government to reduce red tape and become more efficient. Currently, most of the government business in China is done face-to-face or via written communication. This makes it difficult for the average person to get information in a timely manner.

A unified e-platform will allow the public to access, on one site, information for any issues or questions about local government. Users will be able to find information on topics ranging from social security and taxes to water and agriculture. Furthermore, the e-platforms will contain databases that will allow the government to administer data regarding population, geography and economics.

These sites will also lead to more Internet use by the residents of Jinjiang, Nanan and Dehua. A recent study found that currently, only 5.2 percent of government Web sites in China are frequently used. By the end of 2005, an estimated 150 million people in China - 11 percent of the population - will use the Internet. Therefore, both the government and people of China will benefit from these centralized sites.

Finally, because the e-platforms will enable the governments of these three cities to easily exchange information, they give China Expert the potential to do new e-government projects in other cities in the Fujian province.

If such platforms can be built for 150 million users in China, could the same thing be done for cities in the United States? Imagine going to one site for all your information about everything from taxes to environmental concerns. Also, governments around the world could benefit from such technology because it allows more efficient communication from one government to another, which in turn could lead to more profitable trade and other benefits.

The types of computer memory

How can a computer be such an amazing gadget? To many people they just can’t be so amazed on how computers have changed the way we live. Computers can now be found in many sizes and shapes. Almost every home appliance seems to have their own mini computer located somewhere. From cars to buildings to almost every gadget there is, most of the time each one has a computer working to make them run and change the very way we live life.

First and foremost, the most important component of the computer is its processor. It is considered the heart of the computer that does all the calculating and processing. But with all that calculating and processing, the computer won’t be such a remarkable gadget if not for its amazing memory. Computer memory makes it possible to retain important information on a computer. Such data can be used again and again and retrieved when a certain stored data is needed. Without the computer memory, the processor will have no facility where to store its important calculations and processes, thereby making them useless.

There are different types of computer memory tasked to store different types of data. They also have different capabilities and specialties when it comes to storing necessary data inside the computer. The best known computer memory is the RAM, otherwise known as Random Access Memory. It is called random access because any stored data can be accessed directly if you know the exact row and column that intersect a certain memory cell. In this type of computer memory, data can be accessed in any order. RAM’s exact opposite is called SAM or Serial Access Memory, which stores data in a series of memory cells that can only be accessed in order. It operates much like a cassette tape where you have to go through other memory cells before accessing the data that you are looking for.

Other types of computer memory include the ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM is an integrated circuit already programmed with specific data that cannot be modified or changed, hence the name “Read Only”. There is also another type of computer memory called Virtual Memory. This type of memory is a common component in most operating systems and desktops. It helps the computers RAM to be freed up with unused applications to make way for loading current applications being used. It works simply by checking for data stored in RAM not being used recently and have it stored in the computer’s hard disk, thereby freeing valuable space in RAM for loading other applications. A virtual memory will make a computer think that it has almost unlimited RAM inside it.

Another type of computer memory that has made computers process tasks faster is what is called cache memory. Cache memory works simply by having current applications, calculations and processes stored in its memory instead of directly to the main storage area. When a certain process is in need of data previously used, it first will try to access the cache memory if such data is stored there before accessing the central memory storage area. This frees up the computer from looking for the data in a larger and bigger memory storage area and makes data extraction faster. Computer memory is in a constant state of development as more and more technologies are being developed. Who knows, maybe in the near future computer memory might also be fit for human consumption.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to build up your credit

There are many effective ways to build credit. In order to keep creditors from bothering you, and in order for you to get a loan with a reasonable interest rate, you need to learn how to build your credit. The best place to start is to not buy things that you don’t need. If you always make impulse buys, you will find yourself in deeper debt very quickly. And if you have no credit history at all, you must keep that in mind.

Building good credit if you have bad credit

If you have bad credit, consult one of the many books available written by qualified financial advisors in order to get started on the right path. You can find books like these at your local library. In these books you will find checklists and step-by-step advice that will help you turn your credit around. There are also guides available at the library that can instruct those in debt on how to write letters to their creditors. Letters are probably a more effective avenue to take rather than communicating by phone, since most creditors will not be sympathetic to your situation.

Another value of the written communication is that if you should end up in court, the written documentation will be easier to submit. Verbal commitments can be easily denied without written documentation. Any documentation that is relevant to your credit issues should be stored in a secured place. Make copies of any communication with credit agencies (both to and from you), and keep it under lock and key. If you notice any errors on your bills or credit, be sure to contact the correct agencies and dispute and resolve the charges right away.

If you have used your credit card to purchase an item or service and the item you bought was defective, you DO NOT have to make payment on the charges. You do need to dispute the charges with the service provider that sold you the product. If the proprietor does not exchange the item or reimburse you for it, you have the right to deny payment. Once you have disputed the charges with the proprietor it is then your responsibility to contact your credit card company to dispute the charge.

If you have bad credit and have a credit card, you can use the card to repay your other debts and then make monthly payments on the credit card. Ironically, you are getting out of debt while remaining in debt. In other words, if you use your credit cards to pay other debts, your debt on your credit card will continue to increase. Since credit cards charge significant interest rates, your debt will continue to increase unless you can make significant monthly payments.

No Credit, No problem?

If you think that you do not need credit at all, that is simply not the case.

In today’s world, in order to make many major purchases, it is often a requirement that you have at least one major line of credit. Most lenders will not consider lending money or give credit to someone that has no established credit history. We are expected to establish a credit history when we are young, and if we do not lenders often wonder why, which makes you look like a high risk.

They have no way of knowing your payment record, or if you are able to pay off the debt at all. There are several reasons that lenders will refuse you a loan if you have not established a credit history. The best way to establish good credit is to have a credit card, make your monthly payments on time, and keep your spending under control. Good credit means managing your money each month and paying your bills on time.


When Online Shopping is Not Ideal

There are a number of distinct advantages to online shopping. Some of these advantages include the ability to shop at a convenient time, a potential for cost savings, the ability to shop at stores around the world and the ability to find rare collectible items. While these advantages draw many consumers to online shopping there are also some situations in which shopping online is not the best option for all consumers. This article will discuss some of these situations such as shopping for clothing online, shopping for decorative items and shopping for used items. Although some consumers may be able to shop for these types of items online there are some consumers who will always have difficulty shopping for these types of items online.

Shopping for Clothing Online

Shopping for clothing online is often difficult. This is because consumers are used to being able to try on items in traditional stores before making a purchase. The ability to try clothing items on before making a purchase is so important because it allows the consumer to evaluate the size, fit, material and color of the garment before making a decision about whether or not to make the purchase. Although some consumers may be able to make decisions about purchasing clothing items easily without trying the item on, the majority of consumers will not be able to make these decisions easily based solely on an image and a product description.

While shopping for clothing online is not always easy the upside to this type of purchase is making returns on clothing is usually a fairly simple process. Clothing is light and relatively easy to ship so as a result there is usually not a substantial cost in returning clothing items. This ease of shipping often makes consumers more likely to make clothing purchases online even though they are not sure how well the item will fit.

Shopping for Decorative Items Online

Shopping for furniture and decorative items online is another area in which consumers may wish to avoid online shopping. They may browse online retailers to get ideas about the types of products they want and the costs of these items but it many cases it is wise to make these purchases in a traditional store as opposed to an online retailer. Consider purchasing bulky pieces of furniture such as couches, beds or tables. These items can be rather expensive to ship and the cost of having these items shipped can significantly add to the overall cost of the item. Although the consumer may pay a delivery charge when purchasing furniture from a traditional store, this fee is usually considerably lower than the cost of having the item shipped. Also, consumers have the option of avoiding delivery fees if they are capable of transporting the item themselves.

Shopping for furniture and decorative items online can also be difficult because the consumer may want to see these items in person before making a decision. This is important because seeing the item in person enables the consumer to see the color, feel the texture and make any necessary measurements which will help to ensure the item is a good fit for the home.

Shopping for Used Items Online

Shopping for used items online can also be difficult. This is because the consumer may want to evaluate the item carefully for wear and functionality before making a purchase. Although the seller may provide photos and a description of the item for sale, these images and words may not fully describe the product for sale. Although this may be completely unintentional on behalf of the seller there are also situations in which the seller will attempt to misrepresent the item deliberately to deceive potential buyers. Online shoppers may find a variety of great used items for sale at excellent prices but care should always be taken with these purchases to ensure the item is described accurately. Consumers who purchase used items online are advised to ask questions and ask for additional photos of the item if necessary.


Word count 677


Active Wedding Reception Games

We've all been to receptions that are standard - we welcome and celebrate the new married couple, watch them dance, and enjoy cake with them. But creative couples often enjoy coming up with fun games that include the entire guest list.

Including the guests is an excellent way to get people out of their chairs, meeting people they might not otherwise know and feeling like they are truly a part of the celebration, not just observers.

One fun and active game that can be played by all your guests, including grandma as well as the young children, is "want it now".

In this game, you designate a master of ceremonies (if you have a DJ for your wedding reception, this person can serve as the DJ). The MC will have a list of "wants" prepared before the reception. Everyone sits at their tables, and waits to hear the command. The MC says he wants a person with painted toenails. All the women with painted toenails run to the front of the room, toward the MC. Each time a table sends someone to the front first, they get a point.

Points should be tallied during the course of this game and prizes awarded at the end of the game. Be sure to have some obvious "wants", as is the painted toenails, or a man with a mustache or a child with a pink dress. But also include some surprises, like "a man with a brown purse" which will require a man to find a woman at his table with the brown purse and run up to the front of the room with that.

Another fun wedding reception game that includes all your guests is musical chairs using men as the chairs. All the men line up and kneel on one knee. The women begin playing the game of musical chairs, but when the music stops, they must find a knee to sit on. No "chairs" are removed during the version of the game, but instead people are eliminated when either the man falls down when the woman finds his knee or when the woman falls down. Both are out either way, and if both fall down, they are also both out then (as well as perhaps a bit bruised). This is a fun game that often brings on gales of laughter and adds to a relaxed reception atmosphere.

If many guests are traveling a good distance to the wedding or don't know many other guests, it's always fun to include a game that will allow them to now only get to know each other but the bride and groom as well. For this game, you'll need a MC again, which can be a very outgoing member of the wedding party or the DJ. The reception guests are broken into two groups, which can be as simple as having people count off "1, 2, 1, 2" and so on until the entire guest list is either a "1" or a "2". Then the two groups band together for the duration of the game.

The DJ, or MC, offers a series of questions relating to the bride and groom. The teams should work together to answer the questions, then as quickly as possible provide the answer. The bride and groom will confirm if the answer is correct or not. This is an excellent way for otherwise "stranger" guests to get to know one another and have some fun in the process. It's also an excellent way to get to know the bride and groom!

Organizing games at a wedding reception is a great way to get people involved and make them feel they are truly a part of the celebration. It's also a way to fill time, if the wedding planners know this isn't a "dancing" group or if you want to loosen people up for a long night of celebrating. Whether a small or large wedding, reception games work for just about any group.

In addition, don't assume wedding reception guests will be offended or annoyed by these active games. Most people report to wedding planners they truly enjoy being more active and having fun games to play during a wedding reception.


Word count 700

Why use solar power - 6 great reasons

Perhaps you are happy with the status quo of today. Perhaps you feel all is fine and you don't feel the need to change a system that's worked for over a century. If you do, consider a few of these benefits to solar power and you may just recognize its potential in a somewhat more responsible, yet selfish, light.

I don't care about the environment?

Perhaps everything in the world is fine with your life. The last thing you care about are trees, fresh air and clean water. Heck, the water shows up every time you turn on a faucet, the heat comes on when it's cold, the light switch brings you light. What's there to worry about? Consider that this is just the problem. If you don’t care for the environment, the faucet may not bring you clean water, the heat may not go on and the car certainly will not start. If the environment is kept clean and left to do what it was intended to do, everything will continue to work fine. But get in its way and everything you thought was fine won’t be for long.

One way to accomplish the goal of keeping all the comforts of home working properly is by using other sources of power generation like the sun, not generating nasty things that get in the way of the environment doing its job. Current sources of power come from dead things like old forests gone millennium ago. Environmentally responsible power, heat and transport come from living or energized things like water and oxygen molecules. Sun can be turned into electricity and used to power your car, heat your home and generate your light. But to make the process work, you need to be able to see the sun, which means caring for the environment and not getting in its way.

Cost savings

One of the best things about caring for the suns ability to do its job is that it saves you money in the long run. Once solar systems are purchased and installed, they cost little if anything to operate. In most instances, the government will even help to pay for the upfront costs of installing the system through tax incentives. Additionally, power companies in most regions are required to pay you for energy that you have generated and not used. Yes, you read correctly, the power company will pay you!


In most instances, 70% of the northern hemisphere can generate enough solar power to run and heat their homes with existing solar systems. This means that whatever is left over goes back to the power grid if you so choose. Just think of your power meter running backwards. The extra power you need for that cloudy day is stored in ever more efficient batteries. Most current users indicate that the use of solar systems only takes a little thought in power management.

Off the grid

Depending upon how you feel about the topic, one of the better reasons to use solar power is that you can take yourself off the "grid" so to speak. Many people don’t enjoy being a part of the social collective that is interconnectivity. Going solar takes you away from this one aspect of community and puts you closer to self reliance.


Even though the solar power generation systems of today have come a long way to providing power, heat and a host of other services there is a long way to go. This is not to indicate, however, that solar power is not currently versatile in form and function. Solar panels can currently be formed into thin sheets to for car top electric powered cars. They can cover suburban rooftops and not be noticed, unlike those 1970’s units. Costs are also coming down almost as fast as the flat screen TV’s of today. Flat screens that solar power can power up through the use of a process called photovoltaic’s.

Personal responsibility

Past the cost savings and environmental benefits that solar power brings you should consider using it because you are part of a larger social order that will procreate. The human species has not been around for all that long and is doing its best to end its run in one way or another. If you would like to give your children’s children a better shot at continuing the human species run on this planet solar power is one small contribution that you can make all by your little self.

Genes and weight loss pills

Ever wonder why people try to lose weight by dieting and weight training and only see minimal results? What are they doing wrong? Medical specialists believe that genes play a major factor in this losing weight. These specialists believe that genes determine one's body type. Some body types contain more body fat than others and vice-versa. They believe that everyone has inherited and specific body types. Body types have been categorized into three basic categories: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

Body types elaborated

The ectomorph body is tall and thin. This body can be distinguished by light bones and small muscles. Studies show ectomorphs encounter difficulty gaining weight and body mass no matter how hard they train or even if they eat the right food. Some see it as a blessing, others see it as a disadvantage. Other noticeable physical qualities of an ectomorph include a slightly built body, flat chest, and small shoulders. People with this kind of body usually have low body fat. These people may experience difficulty in terms of weight gain and muscle development.

The endomorph body, on the other hand, is round and soft. People with this body type carry more fat in their body. Their body weight and body fat refuse to drop no matter how hard they exercise and diet, which can be attributed to metabolic problems. According to researchers, endomorphs produce too much insulin as they metabolize carbohydrates. When this happens, fat storage is increased and difficulty in losing existing fat occurs. This is the reason why weight loss is extremely difficult for endomorphs. These people may take prescription weight loss pills and still notice minimal or no weight loss at all.

The mesomorph body is generally muscular and short. The mesomorph possess toned muscles and huge bones. Specialists believe that people with this kind of body tend to develop muscle mass when they do strength training because of high muscle growth rate and high proportion of muscle growth tissue.

The best weight loss pills may fail

Healths specialists claim that no matter how hard people workout, eat the right kind of food, or seek medication some people may never lose their flabs. When people seriously and earnestly try to lose weight yet still fail, it may be their genetics that is working against them. They may even take diet pills and fail. For some people, being fat is just a “genetic fact” of life.

It is important to understand that one's weight and body fat percentage is not necessarily the measure of one's health. Poor diet and lack of exercise may be the more serious causes of health problems rather than the mere presence of flab.

Building business success through outsourcing

Outsourcing is no stranger to controversy. Ever since Russell Kelly Office Services paved the way for onshore outsourcing in 1946, onshore and offshore outsourcing have had their fair share of critics. It used to be an issue of exploitation of cheap labor for personal business gains. Then companies themselves became disgruntled with the outsourcing model because of their unrealistic expectations of cost savings and ROI which failed to meet any of their expectations.

Problems with vendors and poor communication channels were also just some of the hurdles companies and suppliers had to deal with. But given all the cynicism, outsourcing has continued to gain in momentum, proving to skeptics that with a comprehensive strategy in place, outsourcing is a real force to be reckoned with for sheer business proficiency.

Medical device companies are a prime example of how outsourcing almost every phase of their product development to the right contract manufacturer, can give them the edge in a very highly competitive sector. It is this almost perfect marriage of specialized knowledge and expertise shared between an OEM and the contract manufacturer that determines the outcome of an outsourcing venture.

It used to be the case when OEMs had to resort to using a number of outsourcing companies to accomplish specific tasks to produce a single product. There was one company for the design process, another for the manufacturing process and another for marketing the end product. It is here that outsourcing perhaps, exposes its weakest link due to the law of diminishing returns, where productivity is affected when too many people get involved.

It’s for this reason that today, a growing number of contract manufacturers have made it their priority to set themselves apart from the competition and provide an all round solution for OEMs. Meaning, these contract manufacturers don’t just turn OEMs’ visions into prototypes and shut its door when the pilot is completed. Their outsourcing services now extend to customized solutions for each OEM client; regulatory assistance; supply chain management and after-market support.

Not only will OEMs reduce costs by using a contract manufacturer that caters to every operations function, but OEMs will now also be able to speed up production of quality breakthrough products to stoke up higher sales. This is such an understated advantage, which bears repeating. Working with a contract manufacturer that performs all the heavy lifting for an OEM, like managing the entire supply chain for instance, is a huge burden lifted off for an OEM.

This value proposition of cost-saving, profit-boosting and value-added services has been the win-win situation that outsourcing has been preaching all along. Outsourcing was never about producing low-cost products just for the sake of efficiency, not especially in an innovative market such as the medical device sector.

A contract manufacturer delivering full service outsourcing also benefits by understanding more about its client’s technology, expanding its knowledge base which ultimately, can only bode well for the end user. If innovation is to continue to flourish, then full-service contract manufacturers must adopt a keen interest in learning about the OEM’s market it is serving.

Outsourcing done correctly will carry an OEM and a contract manufacturer into a strategic partnership that can reap benefits for years to come. It is evident then that thoughtful contract manufacturer selection is essential, if business goals of an OEM are to be met. And it all starts with a multidisciplinary contract manufacturer skilled in innovative product designs, engineering expertise and project management skills - all components that determine the success, or failure of a medical device company.

The home business journey the preparation

You might now be tossing the idea of establishing your own business. You might be imagining freedom, and if you have a 9-5 job you might be saying to yourself that this kind of job was never meant for you. If you are a student you might be saying to yourself that you will never put yourself under somebody else's authority and generate profit for somebody else.

If you are serious then you should prepare yourself for the journey. When you are going for a journey you start listing the things you will need.

To have your own business then you must really be prepared. The first thing you need to prepare is yourself. Yes, you must prepare your mind as the journey will not be full of roses. The gardens of Eden are your destination and along your path.

Because of the huge obstacles that are extremely difficult to overcome at this point in time in your life, you know that you will not have access to resources that will enable you to open a Franchise or your own offline operation. At this point your mind might be set at venturing into an online business because of the limited amount of investment needed for such a business.

The first thing that you need to prepare right from the beginning is your expectations. A home business is still a business and all the rules of business apply. Why are we saying this?

Most of the people who start searching for a home business get so excited when they read and hear about all the different opportunities available online. They forget that they have started the search for a business and they start expecting to get rich within few months. If that was true then you would have found all those big corporations are empty and out of employees.

This fact should not disappoint you, on the contrary this means that you will be among the very few who understand the real nature of home business and it will enable you to continue the journey while finding others returning after a couple of hundred yards and sticking to their jobs.

If you know this fact, then you will be able to mentor the people that you will eventually sponsor according to this fact. You will have an organization full of people who know the real nature of home business. This organization will have solid foundations and will be able to grow much better than most of the organizations in this field.

The second thing that you need to prepare yourself for is that you will have bad days or even bad months. This should not mean that the business is not working. Your home business is an online business, and one of the major differences between online and offline businesses is the location.

In an offline business you might be the only one who is providing this business in the neighborhood. In Online Business the internet is the neighborhood.

In an offline business you might choose a location with high traffic with many by passers who would be able to locate you easily. In Online business you can only choose a product or service of high demand, but to create traffic is your own job. Accidental traffic is never something that you can depend on in online business.

Therefore, the momentum of traffic has to be built one brick at a time, and this needs consistency, time and patience especially when we do not have enough funds to overspend on advertising.

You need to think about those two things a lot, and you need to prepare your mind before you start your home business journey.

The first is to Prepare and control your expectations. The second is to survive the bad times with consistency and patience.

This way you are prepared to start your home business journey with the right mindset.

The road from saigon. memories of vietnam

I forget why I was in Saigon. I imagine it was to see some girl I'd met before I was posted to Baria. I must have stayed overnight and had to get back that evening to be ready for duty the next day. It was too late to get a flight so I did the obvious thing and took a taxi. There were cars with chauffeurs one could hire. Big powerful American cars. There were French cars with seats for eight or ten people where one could buy a place. But I had only been in the country a month or two and I didn't know this. So I took a Saigon taxi, a venerable old Renault 4cv. The driver had vaguely heard of Vungtau and as I offered a lot of money he agreed to take me.

All went well down the Bien Hoa highway. It had theoreticaly three lanes in either direction. Or at least I think it did because in practise the concept of lanes was alien to the Vietnamese mind. Let's just say that there were two flows of traffic going in opposite directions. Flows made up of every conceivable type of transport imaginable overtaking on your left or right, no matter. From big US duce and a halfs all the way down to overladen motor scooters. The inevitable three-wheeled-scooter-powered-taxi-cum-all-purpose-goods-transport. The only thing I never saw were tanks. They did appear from time to time but then everything else vanished. I've never been down that twenty (?) mile stretch of highway without seeing a major, often fatal accident.

After the highway we passed by rubber plantations of sinister reputation. In the heat of the day rubber plantations are delightfuly cool. But they feel really spooky. Too many things have happened in them to ever enjoy being there. This area would later be the responsibility of Thai soldiers. Mostly known for having very effectively shelled there own base.

Evening was drawing to a close and the car's radiator started giving cause for trouble. The driver kept on getting out to go and find water in what were probably the beginings of the mangrove swamps. Night falls suddenly in the east and suddenly it was dark. The Renault either had no lights or the driver chose not to advertise our presence by using them; the darkness was total.

Part 2

I am able to retain that great British calm in periods of stress. Outwardly it appears admirable. Inwardly it is what I call one of the shades of fear. I was to get to know all the shades of fear over the coming years. Discipline helps one blanket out reality. One functions normally, one is completely without emotion. When one returns to the real world it leaves no trace. One's mind has been completely protected. It is also rather suicidal unless you are born with the luck of the Irish.

The road that led to Baria had been the scene of a particularly bloody ambush shortly before. The hills that lay back a short distance from the road were infested with Viet Cong.

In the camp we had become a little concerned. The Viet Cong were often setting up road blocks and any foreigner who accidently strayed too far on the wrong day disappeared. Later an Australian division would move in to try to clear the area. Admirable soldiers they were not there at that time.

There was a worrying crunching sound and the car came to a holt. Silence. We got out. The car was tangled up in a mess of barbed wire. We waited, but there was no movement, the area appeared to be deserted. Had the Viet Cong laid the barbed wire? Was it left over from a previous road block earlier in the evening? Were they preparing something for the next morning? All traffic was forbidden on that road at night from dusk to dawn. Only a certifiable nutter would use it. We had four flat tyres. Somewhere deep inside me I felt really scared but managed to suppress it somehow. We got in and limped along for what seemed ages. The tyres were in shreds. I doubt if the wheels were any better. We finally arrived in Baria. I gave the driver some more money and took one of the three wheeled taxis from Baria to Vungtau. That stretch of the road was relatively secure in the day. Dodgy at night, forbidden also to traffic, it was complete heaven to what I had just been through.

Surefire ways to repair your credit

If you have bad credit, are in debt, or are tired of getting turned down for credit or loans, then this is for you. A lot of people assume there are no negative marks on their credit report, when in fact there may be errors contained in your report that you don't even know about.

Your credit history is a record of how you are currently managing your credit accounts and how you have handled your credit in the past. If you have bad credit, you may find it difficult to get loans, mortgages, credit cards, or do things that require a good credit history.

There are proven techniques you can use to get your life back together.

The first step is to review your credit report. Before you start guessing about your credit report, order a copy of your report. If you have been denied credit within the past 60 days, the credit bureau will provide you with a copy of your report free.

Once you have received your report, carefully review the items and note any inaccurate, incorrect, erroneous, misleading, or outdated information. If you are showing negative items you will want to have them removed.

To dispute a negative item on your report, contact the credit bureau that supplied the report and tell them what information you believe is inaccurate. Send your letter by certified mail, return receipt requested. You do not want any creditor or credit bureau claiming they did not receive your request.

Once the credit bureau receives your dispute letter, they are obligated to investigate it and inform you of the results of the investigation. They must provide you with an updated copy of your report.

If you disagree with the outcome, you can add a consumer statement to your credit file. The law allows you to file a short statement of 100 words or less on your behalf. The credit bureau is obligated to provide that information to anyone reviewing your credit report.

You may ask that a corrected version of the report be sent to any businesses that received a report on you within the past six months. Job applicants can have corrected versions of their report sent to any employers who received a report for employment purposes during the past two years.

Here are several ways you can begin to rebuild your credit history:

Apply for a charge account at a local department store. Stores will often make you a loan, by means of a charge card. Make sure you will be able to repay the bills on time.

Ask a relative or friend with a good credit record to cosign on your application for a small loan. Pay back the loan exactly according to the terms.

Deposit funds with a financial institution to serve as a collateral for a loan or credit card.

Now that you have the right information, you can look forward to a brand new life with good credit.

Keeping pets in mind when making disaster preparations

As the weather gets warmer, weather conditions can change quickly. Recent hurricanes taught us many hard lessons, but one of the clearest was that pets left behind in a disaster don't fare well. Here are some tips to help prepare your extended family for almost anything:

• Keep a pet carrier ready. Hard-sided carriers and crates often end up in attics or basements, gathering dust until the annual veterinary visit. If you live in an area that is frequently at risk for weather-related disasters, keep your carrier/crate out where it can be easily accessed.

• Prepare a disaster kit for your pet. Include food for five to seven days, jugs of water, a nonbreakable bowl, litter, any medication your pet may be taking, a recent photo (in case your pet gets loose and you need to prepare "lost animal" posters or prove ownership in order to retrieve her from a shelter), a harness or collar and leash and a thick bath or beach towel for safe handling during stressful times.

• Give your pet an identification tag. Nationally, only about 2 percent of stray cats turned into shelters are ever reunited with their guardians, though dogs fare somewhat better at approximately 16 percent. At the very minimum, a dog should always wear a license tag on his or her collar. While a few communities license cats, most do not. Get your cat a break-away collar and identification tag with your cell phone number on it as soon as possible. If your pet wasn't microchipped at the time of adoption, ask your veterinarian to inject your pet with this permanent identification tool and be sure to keep the microchip registry updated whenever you change contact information.

• Organize a neighborhood pet watch. Trade keys with a neighbor who works from home to ensure someone is available to care for-or even evacuate-your pet in case of an emergency, when you can't be there. Provide them with a list of your pet's favorite hide-outs, as stressed animals are particularly adept at disappearing. Let police and fire officials know you harbor animals by placing a "Pets Inside" decal in the window of your front door. Make sure to remove the decal when you move or no longer have a pet, to ensure rescue workers do not endanger themselves looking for pets that are no longer there.

These four easy steps will help you not only protect your animal pals from being left behind when violent weather strikes, but help you and your family reach safety with as much peace of mind as possible. Only one last task awaits. Make sure your community disaster plan makes provisions for animals as well as people.


Pregnancy Exercise Video

Much to her shock, one of my friends is pregnant. She was actually debating whether she wanted to have children at all or not when she found out. She’s quite a beautiful girl, and she has always taken pride in her appearance, and always looks amazing no matter what she is wearing. She often told me that because she is short and working in a highly competitive field that she needs to have toned arms. It may not seem like much, but it made her feel more powerful in a world where she has to look up to almost everyone she talks to. Now that she is pregnant, she worries about her body shape, and has already begun looking for a pregnancy exercise video.

No matter what you were before you got pregnant or what you will be afterwards, you have to exercise when you are expecting. This not only helps keep weight gain at bay, it helps make going through labor a little easier. One of the best ways to make sure you get what you need is to use a pregnancy exercise video. These are made especially for women who are expecting. The exercises are meant to be safe and easy to do.

You may want to talk to your doctor before you begin using a pregnancy exercise video, however, because certain women may not be able to exercise while pregnant. Most women can, but certain women have complications that can be made worse with exercise. This is something that you should talk to your doctor about, and always be sure to follow his or her advice, and check in if something seems to be off. Not all women can do a pregnancy exercise video safely.

If you want to get exercise but you aren’t sure what you want to do, talk to your doctor about alternatives. You don’t have to use a pregnancy exercise video if you don’t think that will be something you will enjoy. Swimming is a great way to exercise while pregnant, as it puts very little stress on the body. Walking may also be a great alternative, and is something you can do anywhere at anytime as long as you don’t have to walk through snow or ice. Your doctor can give you a list of things you can and should not do. It isn’t important which one you choose, it is just important that you do something.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Is a vegetarian diet safe for my infant

If, for dietary or ethical reasons, you have decided that you want to put your infant on a vegetarian diet, you should be very careful in choosing formulas and solid food for your child.

If you plan to breastfeed the infant and you are also a vegetarian, you may need to supplement breastmilk with additional sources of nutrition, depending on your dietary restrictions. If you are a vegan, or an ovo-vegetarian, you should add sources of vitamin B-12 to your child’s diet.

Other than the B-12 supplements, your infant should be able to receive all micro and macronutrients through breastfeeding, even if you are on a strictly vegan diet.

If you plan to use formula rather than breastmilk, you should stick to commercial formulas, which contain the proper amounts and ratios of nutrients. If you opt for a homemade formula or soymilk over a commercial product, your child could experience developmental problems from a lack of proper nutrition.

If you want to keep your infant on a vegan diet, you can select a soy commercial formula, as long as it is nutritionally-adequate.

After about a year, you can begin to supplement formula or breastmilk with other sources of nutrition, such as homemade formulas, soymilk, yogurt, and cow’s milk (if you are not a vegan).

Nutritionists suggest that you keep your infant on a full-fat, high protein diet after age one, which includes vegetarian-friendly foods, such as mashed and pureed avocados, soy milk, nutrient-fortified tofu, and yogurt.

When you are ready to switch your infant to solid vegetarian foods, you can introduce solid tofu, pieces of vegetarian burgers, eggs, and cheese.

If you supplement what a nonvegetarian diet lacks, maintain a full-fat diet, and increase your infant’s sources of protein, you should have no problem maintaining a healthful vegetarian diet during your child’s crucial developmental stages.


2006 BMW Sports Cars

BMW or Bayerische Motoren Werke has long been conceived all over the world as "The Ultimate Driving Machine." The company has proven this statement true in the past years.

The current models of BMW sports car will attest to that statement.

Here are some of the current models of BMW, with their corresponding characteristics.

-BMW M3 2006

Engine specifications:

BMW M3 has an in-line, 3.2 liter capacity engine with a compression ratio of 11.5. It has four valves per cylinder. It promises to deliver 248 KW power and 333 HP at 7900 rpm (SAE).

Brake Features:

The car has electronic brake distribution, brake assist system, four disk brakes with ventilated disks, cornering brake control, and four-wheel ABS.

Handling Features:

BMW M3 is equipped with stability control, immobilizer and limited slip differentia at the rear. The ABS and engine management control the electronic traction.

Aerodynamics Exterior features:

The car has 0.35 drag coefficient, body side moldings, and 3771 lbs. curb weight.

-BMW M5 2006

Engine specifications:

The BMW M5 2006 car has a V10, and 3.2 liter capacity engine with a compression ratio of 12. It has four valves per cylinder. It promises to deliver 373 KW power and 500 HP at 7750 rpm (SAE).

Brake Features:

The car has brake assist system, four disk brakes with ventilated disks, electronic brake distribution, cornering brake control, and four-wheel ABS.

Handling Features:

The BMW M5 is equipped with stability control, immobilizer and limited slip differentia at the rear. The ABS and engine management control the electronic traction. It is also equipped with a responsive suspension.

Aerodynamics Exterior features:

The car has 0.31 drag coefficient and 4012 lbs. curb weight.

-BMW 6-Series

Engine specifications:

The BMW M5 2006 has a V8, 4.8 liter capacity engine with a compression ratio of 10.5. It has four valves per cylinder. It promises to deliver 268 KW power and 360 HP at 6300 rpm (SAE).

Brake Features

The car has electronic brake distribution, brake assist system, four disk brakes with ventilated disks, cornering brake control, and four-wheel ABS.

Handling Features:

BMW M3 car is equipped with stability control, immobilizer and limited slip differentia at the rear. The ABS and engine management control the electronic traction. It is also equipped with an adjustable responsive suspension.

Aerodynamics Exterior features:

The car has 0.3 drag coefficient, and 3814 lbs. curb weight.

With all the features these cars have, BMW truly is the "Ultimate Driving Machine."



Cloves are definitely one of the most distinct herbs around but ironically enough, cloves have been around forever and are not finished doing business just yet. Usually if you can not get your hands on some cloves, Allspice can be a substitute. Cloves have some preservative properties to them but they work well as an antiseptic, expectorant, anesthetic, or an emmenogogue, working well on the kidneys, the spleen and the stomach.

Some make a combination of cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon, and marjoram for a hot tea that helps bronchitis, asthma, coughs, a tendency to infection, tuberculosis, altitude sickness, nervous stomach, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, the side effects of lobelia, and depression. Sometimes people mix cloves with hot water, again making a tea and claim that it helps them get a good night's sleep.

Cloves and ginger is a sure way to settle the stomach and stop vomiting. If you combine equal parts of cloves and basil it is supposed to detox meals from the body. Cloves have been used for failing eyesight and tooth problems. It was used for earaches very often throughout history as putting a little warmed oil of clove on a piece of cotton and in your ear was certain to rid any earache. Mostly, cloves are known for being warm and spicy but also have a strong relationship with pain relief, easing nausea and vomiting, and improving digestion. Cloves also kill intestinal parasites and act as an antimicrobial agent against fungi and bacteria. It has also been suggested that cloves have antihistamine properties as well.

Do not be too quick to pass off the possibilities of cloves and aromatherapy as the two have a very strong bond between them. Since cloves have such a positive and stimulating effect on the mind they pair up great with other oils for aromatherapy purposes. In the 16th and 17th centuries cloves were worth their weight in gold however it is the clove oil that is most essential. In Indonesia many people smoke clove cigarettes and that did spill over into the United States for a while but lost most of its vigor when it was found that clove cigarettes could cause adult respiratory distress syndrome.

The word clove comes from the Latin word "clavus" which means nail. If you have ever looked at a clove you will notice that it does resemble a nail. Many people use whole cloves when they cook ham by sticking the spiky part around the outer edges of the ham for extra flavor. Indian curries can not do without cloves but it is also used in pickles, sauces, Worcestershire sauce, and even spice cakes that are baked from scratch.

Throughout history cloves has never been forgotten but has lost some of its popularity. Some still use it as a spice and some for minor dentistry and even still more for the purpose of aromatherapy. People still look at cloves as an "old fashioned" herb. For some families it has been passed down through generations and in the pantry still sits a jar of whole cloves for that special ham dinner.

daddy can i have a puppy

Sooner or later, every parent is likely to hear: "Please, can I have a puppy?"

Rather than dodge the question, parents should consider whether their family is ready for a pet, says Sharon Bergen, senior vice president of education and training for Knowledge Learning Corporation, the nation's leading provider of early childhood care and education.

Bergen suggests that parents weigh the pros and cons of adding a pet to the household before agreeing to a child's request. "A pet can teach children responsibility and become a wonderful addition to a family-or it can be a burden," she says. Bergen recommends families consider the following before deciding.

Who will care for the pet? Families should agree beforehand who will be responsible for feeding, walking, bathing and cleaning up after the pet.

Do you have space for a pet? Families living in apartments or townhouses may prefer a cat, a bird or fish, rather than a Labrador retriever. Check the library or Internet to learn more about different types and breeds of pets to determine the one most suitable for your family.

Owning a pet is time consuming and may be expensive. Family members should realize that they may have to give up other activities to properly care for a pet. If the prospect seems too daunting, parents may suggest waiting until the child is old enough to help care for an animal.

Bergen recommends the whole family meet the animal before deciding to take it home. Owning a pet is a long-term commitment, so think carefully before adopting a furry new family member.


Popular Teeth Whitening Treatments

A lot of people desire to have a brilliant smile with shiny and sparkling bright teeth. To achieve it, they consume lots of money on teeth whitening products. Teeth bleaching is just one of the few teeth whitening treatments.

Bleaching is an excellent teeth whitening treatment. It is the most widely known treatment for whitening teeth because it is cheaper compared to laser treatment. The treatment is done without taking away any of the tooth surface.

Each of us has distinct tooth color. Naturally, a lot of smokers have stained teeth.. But others are blessed with pearly white teeth.

Typically teeth bleaching is suited for those who have discolored teeth like smokers and those who are eating but fail to brush properly. It is recommended that you seek an advice to a dentist before applying these teeth whitening product.

Dentist will tell you if it's appropriate for you to undergo a teeth whitening treatment and will recommend it if you are. First the dentist will apply a gel or rubber shield on gums so that the soft tissue will not be damaged. Then they will apply the bleaching product to the teeth by means of a tray which will fit the shape of your mouth. After this the dentist would just give you some instructions and you'll continue the treatment at home.

The active ingredients of bleaching products such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide makes the teeth white. When the active ingredient starts to break, the oxygen goes inside the enamel of the teeth and then the tooth color made lighter. Treatments like this are usually done in three to four weeks.

There are new products that can be applied for eight hours at a time. You can perform the treatment when it is time for you to sleep. The result can be achieved for at least one week only.

You still have another option for whitening your teeth which is laser teeth whitening. In laser teeth whitening a rubber dam will be placed over the teeth so as to shield the gums from being damaged, and then a whitening product is applied to your teeth. A laser is used to trigger the chemical applied to the teeth. It boosts the chemical effect of the bleaching product so that the change of color can be achieved quickly.

The dentist needs to check your teeth to ensure that you're suitable to undergo the treatment. It is the fastest procedure that may only take for about an hour.

The effects of bleaching teeth can last up to three years and may differ from one person to another. Of course if you keep on smoking and drink or eat products that can stain your teeth the effect is less likely to last long. During or after the treatment you'll fell your teeth become sensitive to cold. But these symptoms are usually disappears within a few days after the treatment is done.

There are lots of whitening teeth products that are made available. These are effective in removing stain and enhance the entire appearance of your teeth but it would not affect the natural color of your teeth. Once your teeth undergo a whitening treatment, a whitening paste can be helpful to make the effect last longer.

There are many ways to keep your teeth white. Try cutting down the amount of food that you eat or drink that causes a stain or discoloration of your teeth. Also stop smoking and make a habit to brush your teeth three times a day to prevent staining or discoloring of your teeth.

Shopping for cheap notebook computer

Very good cheap notebook computers can be obtained by doing your research systematically before going to purchase one. Make out the specifications that you want for your cheap notebook computer in a list. Go throufgh the list thoroughly, deleting those items you do not realy need.

If you're looking for a cheap notebook computer, there are a few issues to be conscious of so you don't skimp on quality. Computers have grown to be so commonplace in our lives that we from time to time forget that they are complicated pieces of technology that want care. And, notebook computers are no exception.

whenever you want to purchase a cheap notebook computers, You will need to consider five features,

1. The weight of the notebook computer

Notebook computers weigh between 3 - 7 lbs. The lighter the notebook the more classy they are. And, when cost is a crucial issue, does it actually matter to you if your laptop is a couple of pounds heavier? Probably not. So why not pick for a 5 or 6 lb notebook and save a few hundred dollars.

2. Consider brand and customer service

Going for a trustworthy brand for your next notebook computer is essential. When people contemplate buying an inexpensive notebook, they might initially think about going with an unidentified brand to save money. This is a blunder. The specialized computer companies that have been around for years proffer far better customer service. 24/7 customer service is key when you buy a technical item like a laptop. Choose the top names like Dell, Sony, Mac, HP, or Compaq. There are much better techniques to save money on a notebook than by shopping with an unknown brand.

3. Screen size consideration

If the budget only agree to for a cheap notebook computer, then save money by choosing a smaller screen size. You can still get a crisp, clear, color screen without it being the new 20" model. typical screen sizes for a laptop range from 12" to 20". A good 14" screen is a fine trade off to save you a few hundred dollars.

4. Computer processor speed

Processor speeds change about every three months so don't worry about having the best and fastest because it won't be in a few weeks. I advise choosing a processor that's in the middle - not the fastest but not the slowest. You should realize that Intel processors are the most expensive while AMD and Intel Celerons are cheaper with good quality. As long as you have one of those three brands you should have no troubles with your processor. To search out a cheaper notebook computer, get a processor that is a happy medium.

5. Beware of add-ons

When you're trying to get a cheap notebook computer, you have to shun enticement when it comes to add-ons. You know the upgrades and optional equipment they request you to buy that can in point of fact have you spend more money on the add-ons than the computer. I'm talking in point of fact speakers, printers, fancy keyboards, optical wireless mice, upgraded CD/DVD drives, carrying cases, pre-installed software upgrades, extra hard drive storage (have you ever used more than 60 or 80 Gigs of space on a laptop? Come on.), upgraded batteries (because you never know when you'll need your laptop on for 28 hours straight), and fancy graphic cards, and the like.

Now bear in mind to stick to the basics when shopping for a cheap notebook computer. It is feasible to get a good quality, new technology, notebook for around $500-$600 if you concentrate on what you need, and not what is bright and shiny.

lastly, finding a cheap notebook computer is easily done when necessary research is carried out before hand. a cheap notebook computer in the range of $400 to $600 can easily be found and purchased.

When is debt good

Is there ever a time when being in debt is good? The answer to that question is yes. However, it is important to remember that being debt is not the same as being "crushed" by debt. There is a difference and knowing one from the other is important.

The reason we have debt is simple: We want to have something now but we want to pay for it later. Debt is the vehicle that makes that happen. Most consumers would be hard pressed if they had to pay for a home in cash, in full. The same is true if we had to pay upfront for our new automobiles or any other big ticket item. By using debt responsibly, we can have those items now without having to save for years and years.

In a perfect world, we would all have enough money to pay cash for the things we need and want, but the world is not perfect and without debt and credit, we could not sustain a high standard of living. However, the key to using debt is to use it carefully, which is where a lot of consumers run into trouble.

Debt is good when it is used for the essentials. The less essential an item is to your life the less you should consider using credit to get it. The reason for this is simple: debt and credit are not free. Even small items, when charged to a credit card, for example, can become incredibly expensive as interest is tacked onto them. As more and more of these items pile up through the use of the same card or other cards, the payments can become overwhelming.

The best way to use debt and credit is through discipline. Most consumers can take on some debt and as they pay off those loans, on time, and in full, will be allowed a higher level of credit later on. It takes time to build a solid credit history which can lead to a higher credit score, and it is during this building up phase that consumers should not take on more debt than they can handle. Many consumers are surprised at just how fast their credit score can fall once they encounter some financial problems which cause late payments or no payments to ensue.

In summary, debt is good when it is used for the essentials. Debt is good when it is limited and controlled. A way to monitor this is set a percentage of your income as debt related. In other words, if you feel that 30% of your income can be devoted to repayments of loans, then stick to that level of debt and do not exceed it. Debt is good when you make it a habit to pay off loans, on time and in full. The repayment of even small loans will good on your credit history and those repayments also free up additional cash. The money that you were using to pay the loan each month is now money in your wallet.

Disney credit cards

You can turn your daily purchases into a fabulous Disney vacation. Bank One offers a new Visa Disney credit card that provides you and your family with great Disney rewards in exchange for making your everyday purchases using your travel credit card. You could turn your credit card debt into a fun-filled vacation or even valuable Disney merchandise. What could be better? Simply use your card at all the places you normally shop, including grocery stores, drug stores, and gas stations, and you can earn points that are redeemable for Disney vacations or theme parks. This is a travel credit card for the entire family.

How does it work?

When you buy products or services with your Disney credit card online or in person you automatically earn points, or Disney rewards that accumulate with each purchase. As you earn more and more points, you hit certain point goals that allow you to shop the Disney Store, Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World Resort, Disney Cruise Line, the Disney catalog, or DisneyStore. com for merchandise like DVDs, Disney toys, or other fun Disney items like clothes and collectibles. But as a travel credit card, the Disney card also allows you to trade in your reward points for vacation packages to your favorite Disney theme park, including parking permits, admittance to the park, and discounts on Disney hotels and resorts.


* The Disney credit card is a great way to put your credit card debt to work for you. As a travel credit card, the Disney offer makes your credit card balance an asset toward your future planning. In essence you receive a discount on everything you buy. But the discount does not come out of the purchase price of the products or services. Rather, it accumulates in a special reserve, your reward account, for your dream Disney vacation.

* When you wish to redeem your Disney reward dollars for a vacation, you can do so at any time. There are no blackout dates for vacation packages earned.

* A Platinum card comes with an array of specific benefits, all of which are included in the Disney Visa Platinum Card.

* There is no annual fee for the use of your Disney credit card. You can accumulate points, receive great deals on Disney merchandise, and plan for some fun-filled time with your family, all at no extra cost to you.

* The Disney Visa offers a very reasonable interest rate that will vary according to your credit rating.

* One of the best perks of the card is the trial period that Bank One offers where you are charged no interest for six months on several travel packages. This is very advantageous for people with credit card debt already accumulated on their card. They can purchase travel packages without having to add to their balance with interest charges. Instead, they can pay out the cost of the trip interest free.

* When you qualify for a Disney Visa card you will receive opportunities to save on Disney merchandise and travel packages, discounts only available to card members.

To apply for a Disney Visa card, call 1-888-878-7222.

Go for a cat instead

I know many people that are considering getting a pet for themselves or for family members of friends. When I ask most of them what kinds of pets they are considering they sort of laugh and say that "they are only considering dogs, of course." I'm not sure what causes this particular response in people, but I have done my best in the past few months and begun speaking up for getting a cat instead of a dog.

It's true that I am a little biased about the benefits of owning a cat over a dog. After all, I have been a cat owner since I was three years old and I am now a cat breeder by profession. I will attempt to keep all of my bias away as I share with you a few great reasons why you should at least consider choosing a cat rather than a dog for your next pet.

First, a cat is the perfect pet for many people because they require much less work than dogs. Think about it. Getting a dog requires someone to be home nearly all the time at least for the first few months of owning the dog. With a cat there is no need to potty train them, take them outside, walk them or spend endless hours playing with them. A cat is definitely a more independent animal and the perfect pet for more independent people. Who really wants to be tied down with an animal that takes so much time and attention?

Another great reason for getting a cat rather than a dog is to have a quiet and constant companion. One of my least favorite things about dogs is how loud and noisy they can be. Of course, a cat will occasionally meow, but nowhere near as much noise as a dog. Cats pretty much keep quiet and are the perfect companion for most people. They are also great because they usually love to be around people, so if you are looking for a pet that will be quiet but will be near you, then the cat is the perfect choice for you.

Cats in general take a lot less work than dogs. Talk to most cat owners and you will hear great stories of people who love owning a cat. So if you are thinking of getting a pet, take the time to check out the benefits of getting a cat. See how great having a cat can be with your stressful and busy


London builders bathroom right choice

What makes a good bathroom.

How to choose the right bathroom suite from all the variety we have on the market? What is it necessary to consider when choosing a bathtub or necessary equipment? Well chosen and successfully placed bathtub and equipment will make them comfortable and easy to use.

To start at the right time.

It is necessary to choose needed bathroom equipment (including a bathtub) before the new bathroom installation works start. Having decided on the arrangement of bathroom equipment, it is necessary to work out water-piping and drainage system, in case new layout differs from the existing one.

A selection and a number of pipes and fitment required (connectors, fittings, branch boxes, etc) shall be chosen in accordance with the configuration plan. In case the existing layout is preserved, it is necessary to decide whether old bathroom pipes need to be replaced. New bathroom units installation starts just before the beginning of finishing works.

Where to start with when choosing a bathtub.

When choosing a bathtub, it is necessary to following criteria. A bathtub needs to be of comfortable size and form, to fit to the size and interior of the new renovated bathroom. The bathtub should be solid and resistant to mechanical damages, resistant to solvent action of water (wooden bathtubs or Ofuro, also known as furo a traditional Japanese bath, normally associated with a steep-sided wooden bathtub). A new bathroom installation system shall correspond to the existing water supply system. In case drainage accessories (waste traps) are not included in a set, it is necessary to buy a bathtub and a waste trap at the same time to provide compatibility of constructions. All of the bathtubs are supplied with the openings for overflow which are structurally connected with a bath trap.

It is recommended to choose mixers when purchasing a bath as well. It is important to know that

installing a new bathtub, it is necessary to allow a comfortable space near the new bathtub to make your bathroom safe to use. Also it is better to choose a model with anti-slip coating on a bottom which is provided by adding quartz granulated material or rubber droplets. For convenience of using, fashionable bathtubs are often provided with different types of elbow-rests, headrests, comfortable chrome-plated or gilded handles, housing for soap dishes, etc. Many manufacturers produce baths with the backrests of anatomic form which follow human body curves. Depending on a buyer's predilections and general bathroom interior design, it is possible to choose a bathroom suite of nearly any color. Usually, most of available commercial bathroom suites are of white color. More refined colors are supplied to order. Timing of orders differs.

What does a price of a bathroom suite depends on?

Manufacturing material (in increasing price: steel, cast-iron, acrylic), a size (bathtubs of standard sizes are cheaper), a form (rectangular bathtubs are cheaper than angular and shaped ones, at other equal descriptions: manufacturing material, class, setting). Also the presence of additional functional details: headrests, elbow-rests, seats, handles, shelves, etc. A class and design of a product defines the price range too: "practical", "first class", "super de luxe". For example the "super de luxe" rectangular cast-iron bathtub is more expensive than the “practical” shaped acrylic bathtub).

What is not recommended.

Buying a bathtub in case there are even insignificant chips or cracks on its surface. Choosing a bathroom suite supplier it is better to buy a bathroom suite of the known bathroom manufacturer, which guarantees quality of material and coverage: thoroughness of surface treatment before enamel application (no gaps, no knobs, nor crumbs or sand are allowed under enamel), quality of the bathtub enamel and its application. Identical colors of different bathroom suite suppliers can have different tones, therefore, it is better to buy a complete set of bathroom equipment of one manufacturer.

Treatments that offer hope to hair loss sufferers

Many people experiencing premature hair loss simply resign themselves to a process that is as inevitable as growing old. This is a positive and healthy reaction to what is a natural process for many. But for others the onset of premature balding or excessive hair loss represents a traumatic development that causes untold worry and suffering. This too is a legitimate reaction regardless of whether the hair loss is caused by hereditary factors or some other more complex cause.

Should these sufferers just grin and bear it? No, they should not because there are a number of potentially effective treatments they could utilize, depending on the nature of their hair loss. In this article I will outline some of the most popular hair loss treatments currently available in order to reinforce the fact that hair loss can be treated. The next article in the series will look closely at the treatment regimes best suited to specific ailments such as alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.

At present only two medications have been approved as hair loss treatments by the FDA. These are minoxidil, better known as Rogaine, and finasteride, better known as Propecia. Several other drugs have proven to be effective in combating hair loss, dutasteride for example, but have not yet been approved for this particular use.

Finasteride was originally developed to treat enlarged prostate conditions but a low dose version was subsequently approved for the treatment of hair loss in men. It tackles the causes of male pattern baldness by preventing the conversion of 5-alpha-reductase into DHT. Given that DHT is the main male hormone linked to hair loss, reducing its production by two thirds has a major impact on controlling this type of baldness.

Research has shown that 83% of men studied were able to maintain their hair count and 64% experienced regrowth by the end of a two year period. It should be noted that finasteride is approved for use by men only as the drug can have serious effects on unborn male fetuses. Women should therefore only consider using this drug under the strict supervision of a physician.

Dutasteride (Avodart) is a new medication for use in treating prostate conditions and, although not yet approved for the treatment of hair loss, it does offer exciting possibilities. It works in a similar way to finasteride but reputedly reduces overall DHT production by over 93%. As is the case with finasteride, women should consult their physician before using dutasteride.

Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the other hair loss treatment approved by the FDA and it is the only anti-baldness drug approved for women. Applied topically, its main benefit is its ability to stimulate regrowth thus reversing the effects of pattern baldness. Many users combine the application of minoxidil with other hair loss treatments like Propecia to achieve maximal results, but others experience satisfactory outcomes using minoxidil on its own.

Several studies have shown that certain non-drug products promote hair regrowth but none have yet been approved by the FDA. This is partly due to the prohibitive costs involved in conducting trials to prove that the products are effective for the purpose of marketing them as hair loss treatments. Many individuals and dermatologists nonetheless recommend use of certain non-drug treatments as an alternative or complement to drug therapy.

In many instances the treatments are based on natural ingredients that stimulate similar responses to those of the prescribed drugs but without the side effects. The information provided here presents a sample of products that have been subjected to testing or at least have had their effectiveness supported by independent feedback.

One such product is Arcon Tisane which has become Europe's top selling natural supplement for hair loss. It comes as a capsule and sub-lingual spray containing saw palmetto and fenugreek stimulating a response similar to that of finasteride by inhibiting the production of DHT. Arcon Tisane has been clinically tested and has received widespread media coverage of its success in combating hair loss.

Calosol is a relatively new product aimed at helping alopecia areata sufferers. It consists of a shampoo and an accelerator applied daily in order to stimulate hair roots, reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair. Early indications suggest that Calosol can contribute significantly to easing this distressing and difficult to treat condition.

Fabao 101 is a treatment that comes in varying formats, each designed to tackle a particular form of hair loss. The common factor to each product is their derivation from natural plant sources. It was developed by a dermatologist and has received many international awards.

Folligen copper peptide products are designed to help create an environment that improves scalp health, reduces hair loss and stimulates hair regrowth. It can be used by both men and women. Studies at over 30 leading universities and medical research institutes have established the effectiveness of the technology utilized in Folligen products.

Tricomin is another treatment that targets the delivery of copper to the base of the hair follicle and it too has been clinically proven as an effective treatment for stopping hair loss and stimulating regrowth. It can be used safely with other hair loss treatments and can be especially useful in complementing the effects of finasteride and minoxidil.

Revivogen is an all-natural hair loss treatment that reduces DHT production, blocks the androgen receptors and stimulates hair growth. It is used topically and has no known side effects.

Shen Min is another natural hair loss treatment designed to restore and regrow all types and stages of hair loss. It is safe for both men and women. Shen Min contains a blend of Chinese herbs and comes in various forms to suit most people.

ThymuSkin was developed by German scientists to fight hair loss in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Due to the high success rates the product was developed for use by the general public to combat all types of hair loss. Clinical studies conducted in Europe show that ThymuSkin hair loss treatments could help to stop baldness and regrow hair for 67% of men and 95% of women.

Hopefully this article has demonstrated that many treatment options are available to hair loss sufferers. The next article in this series will develop the theme further by examining the treatment regimes that have proven effective in tackling specific forms of hair loss such as androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.

My traveling partner my luggage

Traveling is a fun activity but doing it repeatedly can eventually tire a traveler down. Because of this, many frequent travelers have realized the importance of preparing luggage that allows one to carry necessary travel items without compromising comfort. Much of the challenges come from identifying the trip, choosing and prioritizing the items that will be brought according to the trip, and finding the right packing technique to ensure that the luggage that will accompany the traveler will not cause any discomfort.

Characteristics in a Luggage

Luggage comes in different sizes, purposes and styles. Depending on the travel characteristics, some luggage concentrates highly on packing volume to increase the capacity of items it can hold while minimizing the space volume it takes up. Motorcycle luggage, for example, needs to be compact and small in order to be transported. Hazards and safety problems are minimized by decreasing the volume of the motorcycle luggage. For road travel luggage using small vehicles, it is important to consider the size of the luggage to ensure accommodation.

Some luggage on the other hand focuses on the importance of durability, weight and the quality of fabric being used. Samsonite luggage is best known for its concentration between the balances on these considerations. It is known to provide luggage sets that are high in durability, fabric quality and low in weight. Other benefits include added features such as extra pockets and added luggage tags holder. Through this, Samsonite has claimed its position as one of the leading suppliers of luggage. Consequently, many competing producers of luggage strive to increase product proposition by improving the important aspects of their luggage.

Personalized Luggage:

Many different companies have now released luggage models with different styles. Designer luggage, leather luggage, and discount luggage all focus providing customers with something that fits their needs. For the more “style conscious” customers, designer luggage ensures that they always come with a strong impression. Wherever part of the world they land on, the designer luggage screams “Fashionista” which is quickly adopted by the person who owns it. With this comes a price however.

Designer luggage and leather luggage isn’t always price generous, nor is it always fit for traveling. Due to its concentration on looking good and creating attractive style, other areas such as durability and size are often compromised. But fear not for there are always other alternatives. Cheap luggage, discount luggage and promotional luggage sets are equally abundant in the market. Thought their looks don’t match those of designer luggage, they often come with generous price offers, excellent qualities, and fair durability.

Final Advice

With this information, you will now more aware of the different options you have when preparing for a trip and purchasing travel luggage. Whether what you have is a Samsonite luggage, a Christian Dior designer luggage, a cheap luggage, or a feature packed style luggage, one advice should always be remembered and that is: Never Forget to put your Luggage Tags! Have a wonderful vacation!

Online faxing - a dream come true

Advances in technology have increased our work and business-related capabilities. The everyday tools of the modern business owner were unheard of twenty years ago.

Remember seeing your first fax machine? You just knew you had to have one. Although it would and did bring your business operations into the new age of highly resourceful technology, it also presented a new set of challenges.

But then came e-mail, the answer to instant communication making the fax seem obsolete ... until the discovery that e-mail isn't exactly perfect for forwarding certain documents such as maps, off-line magazine articles, documents with editing marks, photos, etc.

What about a solution that features the best of both worlds ... the capacity of faxing, minus the headaches, with the simplicity of e-mail, and without the troubles of sending attachments?

Thank goodness technology is constantly evolving and at last online faxing has arrived!

Say it ain't so! Yes, online faxing is now a reality and is the perfect solution for sending documents of all kinds. Consider the advantages of online faxing compared to traditional faxing.

Disadvantages of traditional faxing:

* Equipment requirements - fax machines cost money and have to be maintained ... not to mention the monthly expense of a designated phone line and more extra wires running through your office.

And heaven forbid if the cables come unplugged or get tangled. No power or phone connection means no faxing. More than one professional has been spotted down on all fours tracing wires and cables ... not a very flattering sight for clients and customers.

* Cost of incidentals - incidentals aren't actually incidentals but definite requirements to fax. You have to have toner, which can cost almost as much as the fax machine and has to be replaced frequently.

Toner never runs out unless you're faxing. It always runs out in the middle of receiving an important document, just after your local officer supply store sells the last one in stock that fits your fax. Then add the cost of paper, wasted by junk faxes.

Advantages of online faxing:

* Minimal start-up cost - you can set up an online fax account for as little as $0 to $15, depending upon the service package you select.

* No Monthly Fee - One online faxing service, FaxItNice. com even has a "No Monthly Fee" option that totally dispenses with the monthly fee allowing you to pay as you go.

* Supply costs - on average, about .09 cents per page for ink and paper to print a hardcopy of faxes.

* Mobility/Portability - send a fax from any computer in the world with online faxing without being chained to a fax machine.

* Free storage - online faxing archives your faxes for viewing later as often as you need.

* Automatic file conversion - send files of multiple formats with online faxing ... advanced technology converts your files for you.

* Direct to your inbox - online faxes are sent directly to your e-mail address, so you can see it as soon as it arrives.

* Online support - get help from a pro, usually for free with online faxing.

Let's see, minimal start-up cost, low monthly fees, an average of less than .10 cents per fax for supplies, mobility, free storage, automatic file conversion, faxes direct to your e-mail and online support. What's not to love?

To make the switch to online faxing even easier take advantage of a special offer from a leader in the online fax world, FaxItNice. com. Recognizing that consumers are its true source of success they created FaxItForFree. com to immediately give credit where credit is due by offering a free fax with no strings attached. FaxItNice. com is a pioneer in practical and affordable business solutions and they offer a variety of online faxing packages to help you take your business to the next level.

(c) 2006, Angelina Jordan. Reprint rights granted so long as article and by-line are printed intact and all links made live.

Getting the cheapest life insurance cover online

When it comes to getting the cheapest life insurance cover then going online is the best way to secure your policy. Even better is going with an independent broker, which can in the long run save you money and will definitely save you the hassle of having to wade through the different insurers yourself for the best deal, even if you know what to look for.

There are many different factors that have to be taken into account when buying life insurance and of course policies are not the easiest thing for the majority of people to understand. The wording and terms used in a policy can confuse most people and often leave them with little understanding of what they are actually covered for.

The main type of life insurance is term life; term life insurance is taken out just to cover you in the event that you should die. It will pay out a fixed lump sum of money to those left behind which gives you peace of mind that at least they won’t be left struggling financially. Term life insurance is one of the most popular of all life insurance polices as it is the cheapest policy to take and the easiest to understand. You simply choose how long you want the policy to last. However, unlike some life insurance, the policy only covers you for death and wont pay out after a period of so many years.

When it comes to deciding which type of life insurance is the best for your particular needs then again a broker can help you to choose which would work out the best for you, although of course the ultimate decision is yours. A broker’s advice can save you money and will ensure that you get the policy most suitable for your needs. It is essential that you ask if don’t understand, there are many exclusions within all types of insurance polices and life insurance is no exception.

Poker bankroll requirements

Your bankroll is the amount of money you have set aside to play poker with. Some players can easily add to their bankroll from outside sources while others have no way to add if they lose theirs. If you fall into the latter category, it is very important to not play at limits that exceed your bankroll. One very important point you should know is that until you become a consistent winner it doesn’t matter how big your bankroll is. The only thing that will matter is how much you have to lose. For this reason, the information below is written for you assuming you are a winning player overall.

The first rule is to not confuse bankroll and buy-in. A buy-in is the amount you sit down in a game with or the entry fee in a tournament, not the entire amount you have available to play poker with over a period of time. For example, you may have a bankroll of $10,000 to play 15/30-limit holdem. If this were the case you would probably buy-in for between $500 and $1,000.

I have seen bankroll size suggestions ranging from 200 times the big bet at the level you are playing at ($800 at 2/4) to 300 times the big bet ($1200 at 2/4). My recommendation, particularly for holdem, is to start with 300 times the big bet. I play much better when I have this cushion. I have played at levels that I had much less than 300 times the big bet in bankroll and it sometimes hurts my play. This is a psychological hurdle but when reduced to facts it makes sense. 50 times the big bet is a common downswing, even for professional players, and nothing to become too concerned about if you are still playing well. However, if you start with only 100 times the big bet, if you are down 50 big bets you have lost 50% of your bankroll. If you had started with 300 big bets and are down 50, you have only lost roughly 17% of your bankroll.

If you are a very sound Omaha/8 player, you can play with a 200 big bet bankroll. This is because Omaha/8 is a much more mathematically direct game than holdem, or in other words there is less short-term variance or luck. Because of the short-term variance in holdem, even professional players may see a 200 big bet downswing at times. For this reason, that extra 100 big bets may keep you from being forced to drop down a level before the cards turn in your favor.

Cut down on expenses learn desktop publishing

The onset of office and publishing software along with the invention of desktop printers paved the way for personal publishing. People are becoming more interested in creating and printing their own documents, templates, business cards, flyers and brochures. Everyone wants to learn how to use office suites, photo editing and desktop publishing software. Almost everyone wants to design their own party invitations by personalizing the fonts, colors, images and borders. Many companies are creating their own business cards and letterheads. Desktop publishing has helped individuals and companies cut down their expenses, as they don't need to hire publishing companies and printing presses to do the most menial layouting and printing jobs for them.

If you would like to learn how to create documents and templates using sophisticated software, you may want to enlist on desktop publishing courses. These courses offer a comprehensive outline of topics that deal with every aspect of desktop publishing. The courses will teach you how to plan, design and layout documents such as memos, newsletters, resumes, calendars, flyers and brochures. Advanced courses will include how to design greeting cards, business cards, tickets, event programs and many others. These desktop publishing courses are designed to run on a particular number of sessions or hours that may last for a few weeks.

If you are interested in earning a formal education or certification on desktop publishing, there are many online learning websites that offer desktop publishing courses. You may consider visiting http://www. elearners. com for more information. You may also inquire at state colleges that offer short courses on desktop publishing. If you are not exactly looking for certification, but rather just informal experience, you should check out your local community recreation center if they have a scheduled desktop publishing course available for the community or town residents. You may also want to try looking for books on desktop publishing, if you wish to learn the modules by yourself.

Desktop publishing is very easy to learn. Not only is it great to be able to design your own documents and flyers, you will also be amazed at how much you can save by doing simple desktop publishing by yourself.