Monday, September 19, 2016

Hypnosis fact or fraud

The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce would command himself to engage in out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences through self-hypnosis.

Under a trance state, he would give readings and diagnoses to people he has never met. His followers documented almost 14,000 journeys unto the spirit realm, made through his subconscious mind or what Cayce referred to as the soul.

Sensational historian David Lewis revealed that Adolf Hitler was once hypnotized and this may have been the root of the kind of life he has led.

Lewis claimed that in 1918, Hitler believed he has gone completely blind despite diagnoses of doctors that nothing is wrong with his eyes. Through hypnosis, a doctor suggested to Hitler that indeed, he has lost his eyesight but through will power he can make himself see again. Thats because God made him an exceptional person, the good doctor added. Since then, Lewis said, the hypnosis marked Hitler so much that he took life believing he was exceptional, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Robert F. Kennedys assassin was under the influence of a mastermind through hypnotism during the assassination, and was said to have shown robotic, trance-like movements and repeated RFK must die over and over again during police interrogation.

Have you read about clairvoyants reaching into other dimensions to get rare or secret information? How about mediums meddling with the underworld and calling the dead? Hypnosis stories are they for real?

Yes and No.

Yes, hypnotism really has been used as part of the treatment and therapy of various physical and psychological conditions. Through its ability to tap into the subconscious and to intensify focus and concentration, hypnosis can help you be more attuned with your intellectual and emotional capacity; thus helping you modify your habits and behaviors, or wield more control over the way you think and analyze.

But no, it is not the cure-all for your problems. It is not proven to be effective every time, as often claimed. The United States general surgeon reports there is insufficient evidence to support hypnosis as a treatment for smoking cessation. Again, the effectiveness of hypnotism depends on each and every different case it is being used for.

Indeed, it will not hurt to try hypnotism; but dont rely on it too much either. It may help you and may change your life forever. It may also work for you for an allotted period only. Or it may not and you may walk out of another hypnotism session unchanged and still be the same old self. Your results will depend on a lot of other factors aside from hypnosis, such as determination, motivation, and will power. Your destiny is still in your own hands.

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