Sunday, September 18, 2016

Stress of the main causes of erectile dysfunction

You work hard to earn a living. There was your boss to please and clients to do a presentation. There were still paper works laying around on your table and waiting for your attention. Your colleague wants your feedback and you remember that you still have that report to finish. Arriving home, your wife asked you, if you already dropped by to your creditor's office to pay off a long over due debt.

That was becoming your ever day scenario and the results turns out to be stress, fatigue, worry, anxiety, and it builds up and then before you know it. It finally happens and it was one could no longer perform. You can't get “it” up. You get so frustrated and you sense if this keeps going on too frequently--- your wife, the most important person in the whole; the one person you wanted to satisfy will be starting to resent you.

As a man, nothing hurts your pride more than your “penis” failing you at the moment, just when you want her to have an orgasm. And simply, what is an orgasm to a woman? It's the body leading to a climax. It’s like something exploding inside of you that makes the lovemaking part so exciting. But can't give it to her. Worst, she thinks she is not desirable anymore. You can't believe it yourself that you have it....this erectile dysfunction.


Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. Most men experience this at some point of their lives, usually by age 40. It is something that most men have a hard time dealing with; that they can’t keep “it” up for so long. It is popularly known as impotence. Having an erectile dysfunction may be sign of a physical or emotional problem.

For every 1,000 men in the U. S today, most of them consult a physician for erectile dysfunction problems alone. This rate has tripled by the year 1999 according to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. The most common causes of ED are damage to the nerve, smooth muscles, arteries, and fidrous tissues.

A lifestyle choice also plays a part on having Erectile Dysfunction (ED); if you are smoking too much, avoiding exercise and being overweight. Experts believe that factors psychological factors like stress, guilt, depression and anxiety also contributes to impotence. A man’s penis contains

two sponge-like structures that run along its length and it has like a tube that carries semen and urine.

When a man becomes sexually aroused (arousal can be visual or physical), there are nerve impulses cause the blood flow to the cylinders to increase about seven times the normal amount. Continued sexual arousal maintains the higher rate of blood flow, keeping the erection firm. After ejaculation, the excess blood drains out of the spongy tissue, and the penis returns to its nonerect size and shape.

Aside from the psychological factors of having ED, there could also be such as surgery or trauma, physical diseases, disorders, substance abuse and medications.


When erectile dysfunction last longer that two months or it becomes a recurring problem, see your doctor so he can give you a thorough physical exam. Although, most men are embarrassed to admit that they have this kind of sexual problem. It is always best to seek treatment. Having a medical history can disclose if there is other diseases that you has lead you to having ED.

Your physical exams can give a lot of clues. It can point to a circulatory problem, hormonal or other unusual characteristics of the penis itself. After the physical exam there is the laboratory tests that can help diagnose ED. Test such as blood counts, lipid profile, urinalysis, and measurements of creatinine and liver enzymes.

Most doctors suggest having a healthy lifestyle can speed up treatment for those who have ED. Psychotherapy and behavior modifications can also be considered in some selected patients by the most easiest treatment is taking injected or oral drugs.

Oral treatment such as Levitra which is a FDA-approved prescription medication is an oral tablet. It helps increase blood flow to the penis. It helps keep an erection that last long enough to finish having sex. It was proven effective and reliable in keeping an erection for many men including those who have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even diabetes.

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