Friday, September 16, 2016

What most pros know and amateurs don t golf swing speed

What's the big difference between a pro and amateur golf player? No it's not more expensive equipment. All it is sometimes is the technique and power behind the golf club. Also known as golf swing speed or club head speed, this is where the power comes from to launch your drives towards the green. It's the first thing a beginner player should learn after they have a grasp on basic technique. Learn how to swing better, not harder, but with a higher club speed. It's the club head speed that makes the difference between a half decent amateur player and a pro. Well actually that a probably a few hundred thousand dollars in winnings.

Achieve Good Golf Swing Speed

The speed the ball travels with after it's hit doesn't correspond with how hard you swing the club. Strength and the angle at which the ball strikes the club face actually have very little to do with a proper swing, how ever they have a lot to do with folly's that can occur such as slices and hooks. It takes some time for a beginner to grasp this concept but once they do they can begin to concentrate on golf swing speed and improve their game. One of the easiest ways of improving your club head speed is by changing your stance as you address the ball.

The correct posture in the game of golf isn't a simple to thing to achieve since the majority of the movements and positions are some what against our natural body movement and positions. Once you get the right technique it's reasonably easy to progress from that point. A good trainer is ideal to get the basic of swing techniques down. Golf is a tough sport to be self learned, unlike learning to play an instrument there are some movements you just can learn on your own.

There are numerous training aids and DVD's which can also teach you exercises, techniques and help guide you along the correct path. You'll know once you've hit on something good as you'll see the improvement in your game. Changing just a few portions of your swing technique and slowing down your swing can actually improve your score overnight.

Until you get the correct exercises down and begin to practice the correct things you'll find it difficult to break through from a beginner to advanced or intermediate golfer. This is why it's important to either have the correct training aids or videos, or hire a professional trainer to help you learn technique right the first time through. Remember it's not about strength or how quick you can swing that golf club, it's about technique, consistency, and a smooth transition through your swing to generate high golf swing speed.

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