Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wireless home security alarm system

Depending on the size and style of the home, alarm systems can be easily installed using the old type of wired security devices. However, some homes use a wireless home security alarm system to make installation quick and easy. Installation of a wired system requires drilling and pulling wires through walls or into basement and attic areas, which can be time consuming and dirty work. Typically, this type of system is left to the professional while a wireless home security alarm system can be done by the homeowner with little effort. Additionally, the components of a wireless home security alarm system can be easily moved around the home to provide protection where it is needed. Adding on to this type of system is also easy, however every receiver has limitations on the number of devices it can handle and staying under the maximum acceptable number of devices will insure the system functions properly.

Every device connected to a wireless home security alarm system has a built in transmitter, which sends a wireless signal to the receiver. Most of the less expensive systems will simply sound the alarm when a device is activated. The more costly ones will not only sound the alarm, but also indicate which device caused it to activate. This is especially helpful when troubleshooting a false alarm or in figuring out in which room there is potential danger.

While the ease of installation ranks high on the list for a wireless home security alarm system, there are some disadvantages. The transmitters used in wireless devices operate on batteries, which will need changed frequently. Using motion sensor cameras can save the power when the cameras are not operating, but the batteries will drain periodically and will need to be changed. Additionally, as the battery weakens, the distance it can send the signal becomes shorter, creating the potential for a false alarm.

The construction of the house can also limit the distance a signal travels. While many wireless home security alarm system devices can send out a signal between 200 and 300 feet, depending on its quality, brick and metal walls slow the signals considerably. It is possible that the signal strength will be cut in half, or more, if it is trying to penetrate especially thick walls. The unit may still function properly, but if the signal cannot reach the receiver, the alarm is not going to work.

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